My Greatest Aunt

I'm so blessed
To have an aunt like you
Who is kind and always there
Whenever I feel depressed
And long for a real friend.
Knowing you're here for me,
Thank you for the endless love.

But the truth is, I feel sad
'Cause you're far away to me now.
You know how much I miss you,
Care for you, and love you.
Although I'm sad,
I never feel bad.
Just as long as you're safe now,
I'll be happy for you.

I'm certain,
God will guide you all the while
And through the years to come
For you are, a wonderful person.
Even your newest friends in town
Will stand tall, as they're proud.
They've found a true treasure
in their lives, that's a friend!

Although you miss your children
Please, worry no more
'Cause you raise them well
To become better people.
For this, I can say that
I'm your greatest fan
And you're my greatest aunt.


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Check my homepage at Alon Calinao Dy

Last updated February 23, 2013