In Line at Wal-Mart

by David R. Cravens

a query for you in the third degree
who sired these urchins? what sort of wit?
oh sage of the GPC and TAZ-tee
and thither comes thy duty to emit
at the cost (am I saying this out loud?)
of a natural-born aristocracy
your double-helix of which you’re so proud
in fabric six billion ancillary?
and managing the register, you too…
until Omni, The Skeptic, Discover
and yes, The Philosophical Review
take the place of The Star, all will suffer
a program of eugenics is the route
to cull this detrimental bell-curve gout

David Cravens's picture

David R. Cravens was born in Saint Louis and raised in Farmington, Missouri. He received his undergraduate degree in philosophy at the University of Missouri, Columbia in 2001 during which he spent a semester in West Africa studying eastern philosophy. Afterward, he attended Hall’s Dive School in the Florida Keys and worked as a Scuba-diving instructor in the Bahamas, the Turneffe Islands of Belize, and the Channel Islands of Southern California. He is a member of Saint Louis Area Mensa; the National Eagle Scout Association; The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi; The National Scholars Honor Society of Magna Cum Laude; and the International English Honors Society of Sigma Tau Delta. He was the winner of the 2008 Saint Petersburg Review Prize in Poetry, and in 2009 he graduated with his master’s degree in English literature from Southeast Missouri State University, and was a finalist for Ohio State University’s The Journal William Allen Creative Nonfiction Contest. He is currently an adjunct Professor of English Studies for Central Methodist University as well as an English Instructor at Mineral Area College where he teaches literature and composition. He is presently working on a novel about guerrilla warfare in Southeast Missouri during the American Civil War, and plans to pursue his PhD in English literature and creative writing.

Last updated February 21, 2012