
by Ilire Zajmi

My memory has been erased
It is not stored either in a hard copy
Nor in a disk a flash or a CD
Bits of memory are not found neither in brain computer
Have not been able to return it back even with the restoration system
Nor with the most advanced methods of modern technology
I am a creature without a memory
My spirit is empty as a thrown bladder
I do not know
Where do I come from
Where am I
Where I ‘m going
I don’t notice time flow
My characters I don’t know
My journey stopped
Muse has betrayed me
I feel so empty, very empty
This emptiness nothing can replace.

Ilire Zajmi

Ilire Zajmi's picture

Ilire Zajmi, writer from Prishtina, Kosovo. Ilire writes poems, and prose. Author of seven books., Three poem collections, two published in Albanian language, one published in Portugal, in English language. Author of one novel, and a publicistic book "Un treno per Blace" published in Italian language, 1999 in Italy. "Television pictures and reality" study book, published by Saga publishing house, Kosovo.

Last updated September 20, 2011