
by John Lars Zwerenz

John Lars Zwerenz


Heaven is of canticles,
It is of a sublime and golden sea
Of victorious love, for you, for me,
For Our Maker of miracles
Who Is and Who will forever be
The King of peace,
The lamb of downy, radiant fleece.
It is of the gilded, mystic, wondrous rain
Which graces cathedrals and spires of joy.
There tears are dead, and naught is of pain.
Perpetual rapture there doth reign
In the hearts of every girl and boy! -
For we are all but children there, snug in His woolly hand.
And the breezes which touch the luminous trees
Increase our solemn ecstasies;
There embraces are chaste, as is every kiss
Endowing our souls with unspeakable bliss -
As crystal silk in that eternal land.

John Lars Zwerenz

John Lars Zwerenz

John Lars Zwerenz's picture

John Lars Zwerenz (1969- ) is an American impressionistic poet. He is considered one of the most important new literary figures in the world, both internationally and in The United States. He has published seven books of poetry, all of which have risen dramatically in price since their original publication. Zwerenz owns a B.A. in English from The City University Of New York At Queens College and has traveled extensively throughout The United States and overseas as a kind of literary wanderer. He has held a bohemian reputation since his youth. Zwerenz's two most recent poetry books, "Ecstasy And Other Poems", released in December of 2016, and "Elysian Meadows", released in February of 2017, have been published by ATLA Publishing, based in The UK. His poems have also appeared prolifically in International Magazines and other anthologies. Zwerenz's poetry is often highly spiritual in nature. His verse almost always adheres to strict, metrical stanzas. He currently resides in The United States, and is 48 years of age., - Rachael Canter

Last updated December 13, 2014