Day Procedure

by Ken W Simpson

I was waved
towards the waiting-room
by a nurse
who said
'Take a seat'
which I did
after a few steps.

Covertly I noticed
an old man
among the patients
with large veined hands
and a Hebrew
wearing a skullcap
and pigtails
tied with pink ribbons.

Nobody seemed
to be looking at anything
in the sterile
of a cream-walled room
where a remote TV
projected images
nobody watched.

In that silent emptiness
where only feelings existed
and existentially
in a desert of indifference
and self-absorption
I picked up a magazine
from a table.

The pages
slick and glossy
smelled of soap and semen
and featured
gurus of glamour
sophisticated and beautiful
with botoxed faces
cold as porcelain.

Dubious angels
posed for pictures
captured and trapped
emotionally vacuous
inside the lenses
of predatory cameras
with reality
lagging somewhere behind.

Dilettantes displayed
smiles like gargoyles
with bulging breasts
shiny as silicone
elegantly dressed
while sipping martinis
and exuding the odour
of promiscuity and sex.

to gaze
were scattered like shrapnel
on every page
and a fabulous fop
Mr Nice Guy
married seven times
was aiming fro eight.

A mechanical smile
from a toddler
attached temporarily
like a poodle
to a model's
indifferent hand
pretentiously posed
for the cameraman.

in the claustrophobia
of the waiting room
with nothing to do
until called
but look
and wait like a flower pot
on a windowsill.

Ken W Simpson

kenneth Walter Simpson's picture

I am an Australian poet specialising in free verse., A number of my collections are available online at Amazon and elsewhere.

Last updated March 03, 2014