of love, of lost , of time

there was a time...
when men believed in fairy tales,
where their sweetness drunk our hearts,
like nectar of words- harvested in summer days.

there was a time...
when women believed in men,
where their softness- of voice,
enchanted men to know love.

there was a time....

for in our time
men scar their souls
sewing in their lips leprosy
of lies, lust, and curse

for in our time...
women screams- in foulness,
bearing their babies under bridges,
blank, dark, dead -soulless.

here- hope left us,
there- love bound us,
now forgetting is faster,
now losing is lighter...

Michael Tantoy's picture

Michael Magpatoc Tantoy is a college instructor of languages and literature at Saint Joseph College Maasin City, fiction writer, and a poet. He is known for his melancholy lyrics of loss, his sensuous songs of love, and his tender odes to the sea. He lives in Macrohon, Southern Leyte a home by the sea with his cat Alexander.

Last updated November 12, 2013