The Eagle, the Elephant and the Eel

by Drora Matlofsky

I am the king of the air,
Proclaims the eagle.
The sky is my kingdom.
All birds are afraid of me.
I soar above the highest mountains,
Above clouds,
Above all known creatures.

The earth is my kingdom,
Grumbles the elephant
In a matter-of-fact voice.
Just like me,
The earth is brown and grey and heavy.
Like me,
The earth is massive and strong.
I tread under my feet
The earth and all its creatures.

To me belong the waters,
Whispers the eel.
There is no place in the ocean
I have not explored.
Like me, water is fluid
And forever moving.
I swish from one end of the world to the other,

Let us live in peace, my brothers,
Trumpets the elephant:
The eagle in the air,
The eel in the waters
And myself on the earth.
If each one stays in his place
And honours his companions,
Why, we own the world!

I don't want the world,
Murmurs the eel.
I am happy in the ocean.
I know secrets you could never imagine.
What would I do with dry air and dry earth?

We may certainly live in peace,
Says the eagle,
But only if you, kings of earth and water,
Worship me, king of the skies
Above you.

The elephant, king of the earth, raised his trunk.
The eel, king of the sea,
Came up to nose the surface,
And above them all,
The sun, king of fire,
Laughed a burning laugh.

Drora Matlofsky has been living in Jerusalem since 1984. Her poetry in English has appeared in various poetry and Jewish magazines and her poetry in French can be found on the Poésie Française site.

Last updated October 06, 2015