La Fleur

by Shaunna Harper

Shower rain settles on fine hair like dew,
dying sunlight a halo aglow
casting darkness in me, light over you.
The evening is drifting with falling snow,
pooling smooth marble into your pores,
beautifying your every mistake,
making miracles of your flaws.

Autumn breathes its rustic applause
as leaves once pure become trodden once more;
you fall apart like sodden ash,
weak and rotten at the core.
I save you, a wish for the spring.
You are every season, every drop,
every crunch, every drip, everything;
I kiss the moisture from your skin,
keep you warm and safe where bone grows thin,
my midwinter moment, my midsummer dream.

And when you break free from earth
and unfold, I pick you apart and hold
you inside me, with each death and rebirth
there is more of you to see,
to love, to know.
Morning secures you, nurtures you
in its sullen awakening,
giving light from its eyes
and peace as it dies,
revealing you to me,
an eternal flower,

Shaunna Harper's picture

Shaunna Harper lives and works in the UK, and is an avid writer of both prose and poetry. She has had poetry, short stories and a novel, Homelands, published.

Last updated October 21, 2014