
BOND: Beauty - Obligation - Necessary - Devoted

I am so fond when I see people bond
Family bonding time is time the family spends,
Meaningfully time spent
And all
Special times that create strong ties
And loads of love
That lies deep within our hearts
And remains forever in our souls
They are the family you are born with
The friends you make along the way
And the dogs and animals that enter our lives
And leave imprints in our hearts

Our pets warm our souls
And give us a unique understanding of unconditional love
A special love that gives meaning to our lives
This love helps us stay strong
So, we don’t go astray

This special tie
Bounds and fills our hearts with love
As we spend each moment close at hand
It gives us
Memories to cherish,
Moments to remember,
Times to reminisce
And moments to laugh about

Whatever the case may be
One thing is for sure…
For sure, this bond can never be broken
Especially, with your pet
Above all your dog

Your dog will be
Right by your side,
To have and to hold,
To love and to hug,
A bond that can never be broken

When I think of the word bond four things come to mind…

B is for …

Beauty: The beauty of love that comes from within

O is for …

Obligation: The obligation to love and care for the ones who mean the most to you…that’s includes your pets too…

N is for …
Necessary: It is necessary to bond with the ones who bring joy and happiness to your heart. Pets bring warmth to the world that makes the heart tender and soul loving. Pets especially dogs have an unconditional love that gives them the ability to forgive and forget.

D is for …

Devoted: When you bond with the people and pets you love, you become loving and committed to the ones you love.

Stacey Chillemi's picture

Stacey Chillemi graduated from Richard Stockton College in Pomona, New Jersey, majoring in marketing and advertisement. In the mid-nineties while in college, she began her first book, Epilepsy: You're Not Alone. It was published six years later. Before and after graduation in 1996, she worked in New York City for NBC. Since the birth of her children, she has been a freelance journalist., She has written features for journals and newspapers. Her articles have appeared in dozens of newspapers and magazines in North America and abroad. She won an award from the Epilepsy Foundation of America in 2002 for her help and dedication to people with epilepsy.

Last updated July 12, 2013