My Aphrodite

I stopped
My eyes were sore and wet from gazing
My breathing ceased
My breath turned frozen
Everything else was inaudible
My moving lips, my voice
Just my heart beat intensified
Like amps wired to my ears
The noise filtered away
Like streetlights escaping us
We were in our own planet
When I stood first, frightful, before Aphrodite
For that while, I forgot I stood as asinine
Amidst a noisy horde
I’m certain I saw nothing but her
Else everything more could have been as much seducing
Like a butterfly of motley wings on rose petals
Like a passing zephyr bringing along her fragrance
Like a man tuning the love strings of his cello
My Aphrodite
I am haunted by your frame
The nature of my voice when I call your name
Is shaky and trembling unsteadily
From what could have happened when the cello played
And when the butterfly flapped around the scarlet petals
And your scent filled the milieu
I feared and baffled for control
Fear for my hand that eagerly wanted to feel her perfectly sculptured face
Fear you’ll pull back
Fear for my lips that wanted to meet yours as you spoke
Fear that I’ll ogle foolishly and babble insanely
Patently, I've discovered my kryptonite
That I, as though, on tour the Wonderland
Is given as a gift an opportunity to stand before the goddess of beauty to make a wish
Can I not wish for freedom?
Or plead you never take your eyes away, because I am a hurt warrior?
Can I not let go of my compulsion for this one time chance
To hold hands, closely breathing before my Aphrodite
So here am I, the mortal creature that awes at your piquant voice
To subjugate under your amorous power
And I, Zeus, fret at the mere shake of the wind
Like a tempest within blue water torrents
Let me see you once more, dear Aphrodite
And then, live on as your loyal slave

Ivan Chizurum Ezeigbo's picture

Poet: IVAN CHIZURUM EZEIGBO, Ivan Chizurum Ezeigbo is from Nigeria. He is a literature student from Dority International Secondary School, Aba, Nigeria. Ivan has been in love with poetry for quite some number of years. He has over fifty already published poems. His poems, usually, aims at correcting national vices, providing moral and behavioral support, and uniting people in love.

Last updated July 14, 2015