
by John Corry

Sublime, above the circling sea,
Ierne's pictoresque mountains rise;
The God of Nature made her free,
And blessed her clime with genial skies:
Here LIBERTY'S inspiring voice
Made her courageous sons rejoice -
Their nerves by cooling breezes braced;
And oft the fierce invading Danes,
Defeated on our warlike plains,
Fled with tumultuous haste.

How glowed our Bards with patriot fire,
Whilst heavenly FREEDOM'S praise they sung;
Their eager fingers swept the lyre,
To sounds of martial glory strung:
The lyre, concordant with the song -
Harmonious, animated, strong,
With love of Virtue filled the breast;
Clontarf's gay groves the strain resound,
Where, with unfading laurels crowned,
Bold Conquest reared her crest.

Returning Peace, securely gay,
Over Ireland's pleasant region strayed;
No serpent, in the wanderer's way,
Basked, deathful, in the sunny glade:
Pure, flowing down the verdant hills,
Clear fountains poured unfailing rills,
That health and chearfulness bestowed;
Where, blooming over the fertile ground,
Kind Nature's bounties spread around,
Decked Plenty's sweet abode.

Soft, smiling in angelic grace;
Our island's youthful daughters bloomed -
Their charming symmetry of face,
The roseate hues of health illumed -
Vivid as light their spirits flowed,
And Innocence her smile bestowed,
To prompt the dance and love-taught song
Whilst youthful bards attuned the lyre,
And the soft sounds of fond desire
Echoed the glens among.

In time, this enviable life
Gave place to manners more refined,
Then petty chieftains rose, and strife
The youth to martial deeds inclined;
Proud Tyranny, with purple vest,
And crowned with gold, the land oppressed,
And trampled on the Rights of Man:
Intestine war, inflamed by pride,
With native blood our vallies dyed,
And Ireland's woes began.

By treachery invited over,
A foreign nation hither came,
Then Liberty forsook our shore,
And Ireland lost her ancient fame;
Yet Patriotism oft assailed
The proud oppressor who prevailed,
And kept a slippery footing here;
Whilst vile Disunion's baleful night,
Shut out the rays of Freedom's light,
And fostered slavish Fear.

Now, how delightfully improved -
Our blooming island smiles on day;
By gracious Providence beloved,
Our fields their richest fruits display:
Kind Commerce here her gifts bestows,
And every tide that hither flows
Brings the prime produce of the globe;
And hence our snow-white linen bears,
Which foreign beauty proudly wears,
As Health's most cleanly robe,

Encreasing Science here imparts
New views of Nature to the mind,
And, with progressive grace, the Arts
Our softening manners have refined;
But Discord sometimes rears her head,
Her hands with human blood overspread,
And urged by superstitious ire;
'Till Charity's persuasive voice
Shall to the paths of Peace entice,
Then Hatred shall expire.

O! Nature's all-commanding Lord!
Inspire our souls with social love -
May Bigotry, by thee abhorred,
Far from our little isle remove:
May Innocence and Virtue here
Prevail - fierce Discord disappear,
And all our efforts tend to peace;
And, joined in social amity,
May Ireland's natives, truly free,
See all oppression cease.

Last updated November 28, 2022