I Call Your Name In My Heart

My lips still long to
Kiss the freshness of your breath
This draws its fountain from the sweetness of your soul
My lips find solace in you.
My eyes still quest for your
Seduction, which confines my liberty
Into a verve of your love
I am insatiable!
Starved of your desire
If I am your lover it is not become I am a poet
If I am a poet, it is because I am first your lover.
Your love makes temptation delightful
Your lust only makes infidelity gorgeous
I once sewed my heart to the gown of your bosomy
Your bosom is your heart to me
Your heart is your bosom to me
They both are my dwelling and glee
They are my abode and my contentment; one and same to me.
I chose the dangerous flame of infatuation to
Explore the fathomlessness of your love
I love; lust, then I love you again and again
Now that the thread which sews my heart and yearnings
To yours, is left hanging on the lintel of my lonely window
My lips still long to kiss your sweetness, presented in the
Freshness of your breath
If I loved another’s beloved
It is not because I am a philanderer
It is because that another’s beloved is you.
You make temptation delightful.

A Nigerian with a degree in Economics from the University of Jos. Writes commentaries and poems by choice. Runs the blog credoworld.blospot.com; happily married with a child.

Last updated September 13, 2016