The Stars Foretell

When the Zodiac revolves towards
the sign of the Bull, the nights grow still
and the earth grows cold. The rank wild grape
gradually curls up in her blush of bashfulness,
timidly casting off her ineffectual robes
of leaves. Fruitless was this vine’s year
and piecemeal she is now burning down.

The bulb, the shrub, the tree and flower
have a concern with the position of the sun;
but the smaller one, the silverling
of the night, our frivolous moon – what
ha’penny’s worth can she bring?

Ah, she titivates herself to please
the Bull. At night it’s time for humble
pie, full-rounded, and she goes her way;
as always she behaves respectfully
– as befits a fastidious lady
who knows of greater things; she who chastely
keeps waiting for the coming of the Ram.

Last updated December 22, 2022