Shadows in Motion: Bra-Zeke Mphahlele

Mongane Wally Serote

how do we learn from what we talk
and from what we hear
how do we learn
that when an eye is poked out
what remains is a hole
that this assaulted space
will never be the same again
that the hole that remains is like a womb
it throbs and throbs with memory

the eye,
with its hasty footsteps moves and moves
yet when it rests, like a river which heaves with breath
but spreads and spreads in motionlessness
we read what the eye writes
eyes can break like a branch loaded with fruit

since there is no such thing as choice
the eyes see what they see
let the hole throb
scars are moments where we have been
one with one foot must move must still move.

Last updated February 18, 2023