I watch the bloody river flow
As spotlights glow
Far away the sun shines bright
But not to my path
Under the moon am not covered
Trees die in sight of me
The world has turned void
All me without anothers breath

From town to town
Year to year
I wander
In search of hope of life
Far lost and never can be found

My life lies in your hands alone
For never can I continue
To wander all my days away.

Membis Godwin

Membis Godwin's picture

Membis Godwin a religious romantic young poet always with a busy pen. A Biafran from the Republic of Biafra in West Africa. Intending being a lawyer but highly in love with poetry and the world of act as a whole. Like www.facebook.com/membisgodwinchukwukamma.

Last updated February 16, 2016