To My God

I have thanked humans
I have praised mortal beings
But I have become so lazy
To give you your glory
My God

So little like I was
Toothless like a hen
When I couldn’t even say a prayer
You made me see each new day

Little, when I was
Playful like a calf
When I put a bean seed in my nose
And Grandmother so worried
You made me breath again

So naïve, like I was
When illness tormented me
And bloodless I got
Many couldn’t think
I would see tomorrow
But blood you gave me
And life I got, again

I little remember
When I burnt my foot
With a blazing plastic
Like an owl I yelled
But now fine again
Is my foot

All in all
I didn’t know
That you had kept me for a reason
A reason none other than
But to give you glory
My God


An optimist, a human rights activist, A writer and an IT professional., I write about myself, people, events, my country, politics, and all other things that pick my interests.

Last updated November 26, 2016