Who Is The Cow Among Us?

The night I bed in darkness,
The moon I kissed good night,
The stars I embraced formally,
The sky I waved a thousand hands;
The song I sang to the owl of the night
But I did nothing to the cruel cow!
Oh! Mother Nigeria has sang again
Upon the weeping clayed earth.

Oh! Mother where have you been?
We were called cows by someone familiar,
Are we really cows to be slaughtered?
Where is our home mother of hope?
Is this our home or theirs as they claimed?
It is dark here among your children' eyes;
It is night here in the body of day' dream.

Who is the cow among us mother?
I can't find Ajani the fortune teller!
He must have known the cow here,
Destroying farmland and seedlings.
The South is bleeding furiously,
The East has been beaten severely,
The south is seen naked and hopeless,
The west are deceived once more,
Who is the cow among your four children?

None has eaten the yams kept here,
But someone ate the grasses there.
We must have a cunny kidding cow
Playing prank among us like the tortoise.
Our hair has been grazed by the same cow,
Our soil has been visited with heaps of dung;
Yet, the same cow killed some of us
And you didn't say a word or two.

Who owns that oil well in your creek?
Who are those people on your wings?
Why didn't you chose fair colours than black?
What is the meaning of this death rows there?
I want to know the 'F' that make up the 'Nis'.
You are not helping matter when you're silent.
Tell me that the same cow is not one of us!

Tell me that the same cow is not your child
And I will jump to the sky for a kiss and embrace.
I wait your answer with this piece of kola
Pricely placed properly in my mouth.
We will wait until you open your mouth
To tell us who the cow is and why he is among us!

---Another Voice Stronger

(C) John Chizoba Vincent
Voice Of Vincent 2016


John Chizoba Vincent's picture

John Chizoba Vincent hail from Nkporo in Ohafia local Government Area of Abia state. He is poet, novelist, and film Director.

Last updated June 24, 2016