by Jheigh Sunga
Looking at you from a distance
Just one subtle glance
I would really like to talk to you
just for a while as long as it's with you.
Why is it so hard to go to you and say Hi.
when it's time to go, I can't even say goodbye.
Why is it so hard to be your friend?
that's all I ask, to be just your friend.
I am not asking for more
not hoping or expecting for more.
Why can't you open the door?
for a little, I swear I won't ask for more.
It's better that see you ignore me
as if I don't exist.
I can't understand why it is impossible.
It seemed like you're so uncomfortable.
it's good to imagine that one day we can talk freely
talking about anything under the sun
I hope this day will come
If not now, then hopefully tomorrow.
Last updated October 24, 2016