Romantic Hour

The birds are chirping
Far off vehicles hooting
The sun goes sinking

Sitting on a stump
The brain goes wide
Questions come rushing

Who is what?
Where from that?
The brain continues to stride

On and on goes he; busy
Busy thinking a lot about what is not easy
Sitting still on the stump

Insects buzzing in the ear
Communicates their piece
This rather disturbs the peace

Of he who is pondering
Yet also wondering of something
that is perceived out of nothing

Yet demands another thing
This mystery once understood
Shall be the soul’s food

Suuk Simon Subinimah

Suuk Simon Subinimah's picture

I am by name Suuk Simon Subinimah, an undergrad at University for Development Studies (Ghana). My interest for poetry began in my high school days. Since then, i have written a few poems on my own. I took part in a "Write for Peace" poetry competition organized in northern Ghana (Tamale) in 2009 and won. I get inspired by trivial things and when try to express my feeling on paper, they turn into beautiful poems.

Last updated September 28, 2013