
Tawanda Mulalu

Though I fail you generously and deeply, I fail you vertebrae, arpeggioed rosetta, I fail you ribs, glockenspieled rosetta; I carry your stone down with butterfingers and how early your shuddering mountain… Mist, blue sheet-music, sciatica. The long nerve stretches into aching fibers: it does not gift my black mother white wings. The Earth looms again Wagnerian-heavy, and American cows stumble onto it with thick warm gasses, readied now to be minced through drive-thrus. Sweetly, you press tar onto soil. I examine pictures of us. My coccyx is gemstone. It waits for your eyes to fill it with light. Where I pressed my lips to you, flower me there. Nearly every gender humors me with silence. Nights I wish your thin nails come dancing. Nights I wish my legs look keener than purity. My mottled thing I love you, my rattled thing I love you. My embryonic curses, I muzzle you here as rose-tinted lens. I promised you. They cannot see us here. Please. Fail me harder fail me faster yes, fail me.

Last updated September 23, 2022