Angel of Christmas Love Shining Bright

Sweet, this elixir
of eternity’s passion
commanding my glide.

Soft, this explosion
from alpha to omega
sizzling our names raw.

Here is the timeless
mystery that pays no heed
to death’s greedy pride.

Songs of hearts divine,
mortal, angelic, holy,
billow starlit wings.

Here are lips of flame
eager to be extinguished
by love’s liquid sigh.

The ancient story
tells itself anew, dressed in
syllables of now.

Hope flexes and soars––
through eyes welcoming newborns
to earth’s green legend,

through scarred tongues singing
battlefield fare-thee-wells for
comrades gone to peace.

Addicted to bliss,
dark heaven floods the soul
bright with miracles.

Stars wishing upon
the potential of humans
shine faithfully on.

The River of Winged Dreams

Aberjhani's picture

Known as an award-winning poet, historian, journalist, fiction writer, and artist, Aberjhani is a native of Savannah, Georgia (USA), and former editor for the U.S. Air Force. He has authored various books in multiple genres. They include the following:, "Songs from the Black Skylark zPed Music Player"; "These Black & Blue Red Zone Days"; Encyclopedia of the Harlem Renaissance" (Facts On File); "ELEMENTAL, The Power of Illuminated Love"; "The American Poet Who Went Home Again"; "The Wisdom of W.E.B. Du Bois"; "I Made My Boy Out of Poetry"; and, "The River of Winged Dreams.", He also is a member of the Savannah Art Association. Prints, posters, and art gifts by him are sold on his own Fine Art and "Postered Chromatic Poetics" art sites as well as his own Bright Skylark Literary Productions site., He is a winner of the Thomas Jefferson Award for his journalism, the American Library Association Choice Academic Title and Best History Book Awards for "Encyclopedia of the Harlem Renaissance, " the Creative Loafing Critic’s Pick Best Savannah Author Award for general authorship, and the Connect Savannah 2006 Poet and Spoken Word Artist of the Year Award for his poetry. He is also the founder of the former online community Creative Thinkers International.

Last updated July 03, 2015