
A gentle kiss
On the tip of my shoulder
Enough to stir me, but,
Not wake me up
The dark brown eyes staring at me
The dream I would always love to see
The dream pleasantly broken -
By the touch of fingers running through my hair
Enough to make me look back at you,
With dreamy eyes and lips curving into a smile -
I know, then, for sure -
I can forget the dream for a while...

Straight From The Heart (http://www.artihonrao.net)

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Arti Honrao has a passion for different genres of writing - poems, short stories, quotes and sensible articles. Most of her writing depicts human feelings and emotions, which she tries to bring out onto the page and into the minds of the reader. She believes that the essence of writing lies in not only entertaining the reader, but speaking to them through her words.

Last updated October 10, 2011