love /luv/

Ashley M. Jones

n., v.

1. profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person. as in, granddaddy loved grandma so much he beat her all day long; as in I love the way those pants fit you so tight; as in you’ve got a universal ass—big enough for the black guys, small enough for the whites; as in I love your hair, how do you get it to curl like that; as in I love the way you die, boy; 2. an intense personal attachment or affection. as in one summer a man told me I was beautiful. one summer, a man was my coworker and he told me I was beautiful. one summer, a man was my coworker and I was beautiful although I was just three years older than his son. one summer I was beautiful and scared to be alone at work. one summer, I didn’t want to be beautiful; as in I would just love it if you’d proofread this—we can hang out later; as in I’m not sure I can hang out later—did you proofread; 3. a person toward whom love is felt. as in I don’t love you, I don’t want to marry you; as in I never said I loved you, we’re only nineteen; as in could you be loved; as in what’s love got to do with it; as in I love God and I love everyone else, too as in I love you but I hate the way you’re always high; as in what about your children and your family; as in I’m not emotionally ready to date; as in when will anyone be emotionally ready for me; 4. a strong enthusiasm or liking. as in you’d be such a great wife; as in but why not a great wife for you; as in I don’t date black girls; as in black girls are magical, but I like more exotic women; as in what’s more incredible than a black woman’s thighs; as in what’s more incredible than black; 5. lov·a·ble, love·less as in what debris will be left from my heart’s constant explosions?

Last updated September 27, 2022