A New Fragrance

Francine J. Harris

you can’t pronounce. where the lapse in reason is the turn of a musth. breaking up the bed.
sweat. catch at the end of a nightstand. it’s in the sweaty flowers. it’s in the linen. careful
what you sand away from the wood. careful with the lemons. [his unzipper] his soft place
strap. he has turned away and stayed. but mark it against you. market lover. design wool
air. strong against what’s left. husk over marble, over leather crush. in washer bins. in
tossed sheets, elastic. the endless glove. briefly soft. midtown cotton [estranged] beyond
collar. underneath seat, dug up. in cushions where he sat, carved. grass rooted in stain
on floor. awl until it breathes. back it to a dressing room window, to seat a cut away.
it’s a buyer’s river. long to a vast tweed. gabardine loop around its empty neck. a signature
scruff. nothing to note. nothing to collar, to cuff. a blank, suede mold. a mannequin cheek.

Last updated November 09, 2022