Time's Closet

Rummaging through my Time's Closet
are small scenes and quiet joys
looking I
for Meaning's Ploy

which hides in corners
perhaps there is even a secret door in there
where I can or will deploy
some new found secret power
which will make my Time Closet

But for now there are only small things
some tattered semi-hopes
some sweet things
and many dangling memories
which I take out occasionally;
some to mend and re-make
where reality was too bleak;

I cuddle these
infusing them
with words I never said

or should have

rescue some of them from ignomy;
others fondly fondled

as befitting the tiny jewels they are

and then I smile
my slow smile

and for another night
close the door
my closet
my return
another day
where I will untie the tiny red ribbons
of those love letters
and read them again.

lnnie's picture

MBA, poet, short-stories and story poem. Completed over 7 books and 600 works., I came to the written word at an early age and my passion is to bring ideas, emotions and observations alive on the written page.

Last updated August 11, 2011