Upon Julia's Breast

His eyes did rest upon Julia’s breast
as she spoke or questioned or sighed,
until she shaved her head one day
to spite his wandering eye;
now when she speaks or quests or sighs
his eyes rest on her barren brow,
on the memory of her hairline
and the fate that awaits him now.

Published in Haz Mat Literary Review: Vol 7, Issue 2

Marie Starr's picture

Basic Mantra: “Disturb the comfortable; Comfort the disturbed." I am a writer & artist & photographer & fool. I try to use my fractal focus and obsessive tendencies to illuminate the edges of invisibility. I can usually be found around town snapping pics of locals, chasing my kids, drawing abstractions with my sharpies or long & gangly sticks, writing whatever happens to spill out of my pen, & reading banned books.

Last updated September 07, 2011