Time As Light

by Nichita Stanescu

Nichita Stanescu

Any object, when its internal benchmarks are destroyed, melts into light.
Any object has light inherent in its structure.
The main function of objects is absorption. As long as the absorption force surpasses the force of emission, the object keeps forming, growing. For all objects, gravitation is the sum of their absorptions, united as a cosmic field.
One can observe forms of gravitation or absorption in the semi-abstract field of language. Reciprocal repulsions among groups of words have changed them bit by bit into nouns and verbs with a profusion of surrounding hues.
An absorbing state expressed in terms of feelings corresponds to a state of wonder. An emitting state expressed in feelings corresponds to normality. A state of wonder can cause awe and terror. Normality is a luminous state.
Wonder stops time, and normality, to the contrary, releases it. Time is, in fact, light. In this respect, the smallest unit of time is the photon.
The glow of decay in a forest, while I was a child, affected me, put me in a dream state that felt weird. Later, I imagined that light is the state prior to birth and the state after death. Paraphrasing a formula of Coanda : « man is a hydraulic accident », I would say : « man is a luminous accident ». In this respect we might consider solar light as prenatal life, like time not yet structured.
Sleep creates equilibrium between absorption and emission. It gives evidence of the discontinuity of Lucidity, i. e., of existence. Time grows less organized during sleep. The light becomes internal, becomes feeling, changes itself into luminosity.
Existence itself, as light's sleep, offers evidence of its own discontinuity, that is, of time. In this respect one can consider existence as a quanta of time.
A photon contains within itself the essence of the Universe : time. Transformation of light into existence or existence into light, as I see it now, may be only a metaphor. But what if it ceases to be a metaphor ?
I ask myself whether that nighttime glow in the forest of my childhood was a birth or a death. Whether it was a delay in light's transformation, its recognition by the senses, or was, to the contrary, the decay of organs radiating halos.
Time is light. But light? What is light ?

Last updated January 14, 2019