I was silent, smiling, undemanding.
You did not expect that I would take without consent.
I was too close, and everything was within the reach of my hand.
Like a thief, I stole your glances and loneliness.
Your thoughts, I tied in a myriad of knots, creating a dense net,
And from dreams, I wove a gentle curve of a woman’s figure.
I stoked the spark of passion in your eyes, and a fire erupted.
I wrapped us in a sweet scent of flowers in my hair
And we glided towards many, distant nights.
Day has no right to enter the precipitous depth.
It is a place, in which the contours of black shadows fall asleep.
Only at the bottom of the abyss, can dreams and starlight be seen.
You are from Mars, I am from Venus.
Far planets are the bright points on a firmament of tenderness.
Our words and hands attracts to the force of gravity of life.
Copyright ©:
Alicja Kuberska

Alicja Maria Kuberska born in 1960, in Świebodzin, Poland. Currently, lives with her family in the health resort town of Inowrocław, Poland., In 2011 she published her first volume of poems entitled: “The Glass Reality”. A second volume, entitled: “ Analysis of Feelings”, was published in 2012. The third one ( in English) entitled “ Moments” was published as well Poland as USA in 2014. In the same year she published the volume in Polish entitled “ On the Border of Dream” and novel entitled “ Virtual Roses”.In 2015 the volume entitled" Girl in the Mirror " was poublishe in United Kingdom., Her poems have been published in numerous anthologies and magazines in Poland, USA, UK, Canada, India, Italy and Australia. Her poem: “Train” was nominated for the Pushcart Prize. In addition, her poems are read on various radio programs in Poland and Belgium., She wrote also a few plays for the theater, a lot of interviews for Polish and American magazines and newpapers., Alicja is a member of the Polish Writers Associations in Warsaw, Poland. She works as an editor of an artistic- literary quarterly “ Metafora”, published by Miniatura, Kraków. She publishes her poems in various online literary magazines, as well as, on her Facebook page.