Which Way Freedom

—for Ali Fadhil

Yesterday they blasted their way
into the home of a journalist

firing bullets into the bedroom
where he, his wife, and child
were sleeping
Two months ago
he won a press award

They hooded
& took him for questioning
He was released hours later
He was investigating claims
tens of millions of dollars of funds
held by the Americans and British
had been misused or misappropriated
The troops said they were looking
for insurgents & seized video tapes
he had shot for TV Channel 4

Only a few days ago
before this raid
he told the authorities
what he was doing
and asked for an interview
about his findings
When the troops forced their way in
They fired into the bedroom
where Zina & Sarah were sleeping

Three soldiers came in
rolled him on to the floor
tied his hands. He asked them
what they looking for. The captain
with the blue eyes said, “Shut up!”
They blew three doors opened
smashed the house windows
trashed the furniture
damaged the car. After a long
journey, they say with a smile, “It’s
a mistake in address. We apologize.”

Last updated November 13, 2022