by Albert Russo
Pretty coffeebean
beckons the grain of rice
don’t look so despondent
you’re not alone
remember, we’re humans’ mainstay
without us most people would
look distraught or die of hunger
you tickle their buds and pep them up
with your intoxicating aroma
whilst I challenge the imagination
of chefs around the world
who honor me in so many
delicious recipes
The arrogance,
counters the grain of salt
what would humanity do without us?
their food would be tasteless
and their life totally bleak
then too, if they abuse us
we have the power to make them ill
and even shorten their lifeline
we command respect
Ho ho, butts in the grain of sand
listen to these three
bragging about their fate
they get eaten and done with
whereas I live on, eternally
yes, forever and ever,
and humans either fear us
or consider our multitude
with awe and admiration
for we can’t be escaped
and every year that passes
our deserts expand
leaving them less space
to grow their food
and drying their wells
so who’s the winner here?
All of you would go
down the drain
if I didn’t exist,
murmurs the grain of hope
as a soft breeze
blows their way.
Last updated May 27, 2019