Early Spring

by Campbell McGrath

Money courses through Chicago's veins like the essence urgingthe redbuds into
bloom, tulips made wiser by the memory of snow, template of April and the
daffodils paper-hung, bereft, the white whale of winter rendered unto fat. And
May, the grape hyacinth, apple blossom and the rain ruining the west-facing
azaleas while the north facing azaleas have yet to bloom. You can feel it pulsing
along the industrious avenues, viscid, luxuriant, explosively amoral-the old
neighborhood flush with it now, the industrial bakery-"Golden Hearth"-
torn down, sad tracts of mud and cinders behind barbed-wire, as if cairns of
crumbled brick required care and protection. Like an animal breathing, veins of
a leafrunning with sap, engine ofefulgence, resurgent, branches and limbs and
roots and blossoms, a force beyond reason, or ruthlessly reasonable.

Last updated February 24, 2023