
by Cathy Park Hong

Cathy Park Hong

. . . Opal o opus,
behole, neon hibiscus bloom beacons!
“Tan Lotion Tanya” billboard . . . she
your lucent Virgil, den I’s taka ova
es talky Virgil . . . want some tea? Some pelehuu?

Mine vocation your vacation!
. . . I train mine talk box to talk yep- puh, as you
’Merikkens say “purdy,” no goods only phrases,
betta de phrase, “purdier” de experience,

twenty t’ousand guides here but I’m #1 . . .
once, Helsinkian arrive, I’s say “I guide I guide”
but Helsinkian yap “No! Too many guides!” den I sleep outside
’im door, ’im wake, I say calmly “I guide”
y Helsinkian say “Goddammunt, ja okay, guide me!”

. . . a million lightbulbs en Desert wit cleanest latrines
en our strobe lit lobbies since desert non sin . . . each
hotel de McCosm o any city . . . Bangkok ova here,
Paree ova dere . . .

I speak sum Han- guk y Finnish, good bit o Latin
y Spanish . . . sum toto Desert Creole en evachanging dipdong
’pendable on mine mood . . . ibid . . .

. . . Many ’Merikken dumplings unhinge dim
talk holes y ejaculate oooh y hot- diggity
dis is de shee- it . . . but gut ripping done to erect Polis,
we expoit gaggle o aborigini to back tundra county . . .
Bannitus! But betta to scrape dat fact
unda history rug, so shh . . .

O tempora, O mores! I usta move
around like Innuit lookim for sea pelt . . . now
I’mma double migrant. Ceded from Koryo, ceded from
’Merikka, ceded y ceded until now I seizem
dis sizable Mouthpiece role . . . now les’ drive to interior.

Dance Dance Revolution

Last updated December 26, 2022