I Was Looking For You Inside Myself

by Coni T Poni

I was looking for you inside myself. In dreams;
I begged for you.

I am at the pinnacle

of my depthly being
and I am seeing my demise
before my eyes.

I begged for the hand of

a Universe to lead I
into the dreams
I have not yet dreamt


Seeking solace in
this other World where
an open ear will hear my suit
and a grander soul will save I.

Coni T Poni

Coni T Poni's picture

Coni T Poni is the Poetic Pseudonym of Irish Poet Teresa McKevitt who resides in Dublin, Ireland, close to the calm of the sea. The pseudonym, Coni, is derived from an anagram of Nico; muse and collaborator of the Velvet Underground, who, among others, has been, through her life, times and lyrics, a great inspiration to the writings of Coni T Poni. Poni is sanskrit, meaning second daughter of and youth. Coni has performed her Poems many times, from festivals to more intimate settings and she has collaborated with musicians, amalgamating her Poetic lyrics with the magic of sound.

Last updated June 21, 2015