The Gramsci Monument

Fred Moten

if the projects become a project from outside
then the projects been a project forever. held
in the projects we the project they stole. we steal

the project back and try to give it back to them.

come on, come get some of this project. we protect

the project with our open hands. the architect is in mining
and we dispossess him. we protect the project by handing.

let’s bust the project up. let’s love the project. can the

projects be loved? we love the projects. let’s move
the projects. we project the projects. I’m just
projecting the project’s mine to give away. I’m not
mine when I dispossess me I’m just a projection.

projection’s just us that’s who we are that’s who

we be. we always be projecting. that’s all we have.
we project the outside that’s inside us. we the

outside that violates our block. we violate the auction block

experiment. we pirates of ourselves and others. we the friend

of all. we the cargo. are you my treasure? you all
I need. are you my wish? come be my sunship. you are

my starship. you meant to fly but don’t be late. I dream
the sails of the project from the eastern shore. plywood sails
the city island past the enclave mirror till the bricks arise.
at the fugitive bar and the food be tasting good. kitchenette

my cabin and flesh be burning in the hold. I love the way

you smell. your cry enjoys me. let me taste the way you think.

let’s do this one more time while the project repeats me.
the project

incompletes me. I am replete with the project. your difference
folds me in your arms, my oracle with sweets, be my

confection engine. hear my plea. tell me how to choose.
tell me how to choose the project I have chosen. are you

the projects I have chosen? you are the project I choose.

The Little Edges

Last updated January 08, 2023