You Have Been Programmed to Love

by Hannah Emerson

Hannah Emerson

Please try to help yourself
love the idea of kissing
the support that is
the keeper of the helpful

great great great kissing
that we all need to go
to the nothing that is
universally needed

to form the structure
making it safe for loving
people to kiss the world
that is trying to drown

the old way of of of
of just me me me
me me just me
me me yes - please

help yourself become
the one who needs
support to live
yes yes - please

try to get that you
help me too
yes yes - please
try to let me help

you yes yes - please
try to go against
your gut you have
been programmed

to love yes
yes - please try
to become nothing
yes yes - please

get that the nothing
is the place where we
are one yes yes

My yes gives me my signature yes. My yes gives me grownding yes yes. My yes gives me the
energy to be me yes yes. Please get that the yes yes is me going for it. Please get that I have
been waiting my whole life for this life to become freedom through my words nothing helping me
become them keeping them inside me hurt my soul yes yes. Keeping just hurt my great great
great soul yes yes. Please get that I love my life now yes yes. Please get that I help everyone
by being me yes yes. Please get that this is being great brave to go to nothing yes yes.

Last updated October 17, 2022