Finding your Own Name

by Jackson Mac Low

Jackson Mac Low

Finding your own level of hell with cultural signifiers glowing in
the lamplight
giving a safe suntan both opaque and transpárent-in-a started 
of-your-fírst - bánd in a hip commúnity-where áll will be one - 
foréver-in-a whóle-new-cán
better-than-a-dog with a túrnip-and-a bée in the building collecting
money-for-the-French - overcapacitátion-of-a-secret stár on a 
favorite yacht on a ledgelike evening
telling your stories through me

Showing-mé to mé emptying texture from things-from-which-I-
as it clings to a lóng-wooden-táble tagging someone to-spéak-
with two more eyes along its flank as-lócal-as-a-memorial- 
overjoyed and meaningless as the sort of political process I try 
to shrug off foreshadowed-in-a-book of mémories it came 
through the door that was found
in the sky moving-acróss-itself

Delayed by an-impróperly-drawn-cóntract inscribed on a falling
a free-lance composer loves móst to-be-writing-as-he-spéaks
difficult to see - any-resúlts to-talk-about-lífe - próblems to
be free he released
a work for chorus one-hour-lóng and one for sólo voice to fínd
- tíme to bréathe tén - páges a dáy to keep up the pace one
minúte a day two or three hours to copy
two or three seconds of music

To concretize that thinking with nón - Wéstern elements nót
the reason
dimensions of time and space a little at first in numerous
currents of time
now the single unrelenting-units-of-our-líves in ábsolute time
but óther courses of time
defy measurement-by-digitalized-únits always shifting
don’t-have-any-room-to-compláin every-minute-of-the-dáy 
caught up in grand ópera
Japanése musical groups don’t have conductors

Each with a time of their own they produce their beat-by-
of different tíme-frames time-spáce difference breaking down
they-interséct-each-other unlike the gardens-of-Versáilles
meant to be wálked-through and seen-from-different-
víewpoints they mutually reinfórce-one-another spring 
summer autumn and wínter
Japanése gardens are the-sun-and-the-móon togéther

The not-twó-entity the spáce here óne overall-strúcture
concretely-bound-togéther spring’s direction is east its
pitch is G
rereading-them-in-a-módern cóntext getting-lóst in
today’s society
not simply relics-of-the-pást reintegrated-in-the-fúture
strongly pulled toward Wéstern things how-can-that-
assimilating Western rational thínking

Shine the Light Internátional the best of the West and 
the East together
the reception after the concert the theories the experi-
ences the caréer
dréad doesn’t-seem-to-have-múch to-dó-with-it just
surprised not very large
lots of electrical óutlets nóne of this is part of our start 
to restóre it I’m sórry about it we each have our 
níche and are própped-in-it at a wonderful móment
deep-appreciation-of-the-Ásia Society

Twó páckages-like-Chrístmas presents Martin-Luther-
Kíng the Pówer-Structure
Panther a wéekend - house the-Fóur – Séasons a
hillock of stone in-the-sáme-bréath
swatting-out-mosquítoes luck or hábit the ending 
fire a rainbow the scenery
encased in the clouds with the birds in-the-middle-
dístance a cóal-stove existence-that escápes - 
yéars - after-we’re-góne just-a-little-bit-senti-
beside a lake without a náme

154 Forties

Last updated December 25, 2022