Donatello's Version

by James Scully

James Scully


is unexpected:

the boy David
shamelessly naked,
one adorable leg
cocked at the knee

a true killer

he wears his helmet
like a bonnet,
its pointy peak
garlanded with laurel leaves


the kid's a winner

little penis
big sword

standing astride
the craggy winged
head of the giant, Goliath
Goliath's head is peaceful,
his death like any death
is restful, untroubled
by desire or regret
David's skin glistens, obscurely
under a patina of melancholy
what's wrong with him
he should be dancing up and down
with joy
poor David
the good guy
victory is the worst thing
that could befall him
in the glass of his great victory,
through the loathsome mist
of world weariness
he sees himself
becoming King David
sees strings of victory
twining into distance
with strings of defeat
how he will conquer
and flee
how puff himself up
to hide
how he will dance around the sociopathic Saul
how marry, sire, beget
betrayals, adulteries,
murders, torture
prisoners raked
through the brick kiln
a weakness for poetry
will have him writing psalms
again and again—
for all he has won
by this great victory
is his own disaster:
his family, his kingdom, his people
tearing apart and apart
he will go through life
eating flesh by the fistful
choking on shadows
in the improbable blood
of his great victory 
he sees all this
and is famished

Last updated November 21, 2022