Peace Offering

by Kevin Pilkington

Kevin Pilkington

I still don’t know what to do
with the jacket hanging in my
closet. It’s not that old but like
a Brautigan novel is out of fashion.
Maybe it all comes down to math
and how for the first time in
my life I understand subtraction.
After losing two close friends,
a number that never seemed
large is now a mountain.
Of course raw fish has always
been worth the risk and my last
job offer was not.
The same tall priest in a black
suit I’ve seen a few times on the street
just passed me again. Perhaps
it is a sign that prayers when
they travel the length of Johnny Cash
will never be answered. On the other
hand this is my fist that looks
like a club and from time to time
I only use it on myself. For my
next trick it is holding a bouquet
of flowers, bright roses since
that is what you are thinking.
Here. They are for you. I’m serious.
Take them. They are all for you. Really.

Last updated October 07, 2022