The Time I Am With You

by M. Douglas Hoss

When I consider how my time is spent,
And whether the hours pass too quickly or too slow,
I’m caught within its hidden snare
When to your arms I dare to go.

For when my feet are off to be with you,
That’s when time teases me and I come to know
That when I get there, it’ll tease me further
In passing as a rushing wind would blow.

But now on time I play this trick
And leave my watch unto its passing past
And I cannot tell, then, if it comes or goes
Or ever feel its end with you at last.

So, do not ask me if the clock ticks on
Within our pleasures or our loves
Since I cannot tell if time ever passes
Or if my ticking clock still does.

"From Time To Time" by M. Douglas Hoss

M. Douglas Hoss's picture

M. Douglas Hoss was born in Wichita, Kansas on March 28th, 1957. He has studied English and poetry for over twenty years, and in 2005 had his first book "From Time To Time" published by the Western Virginia Foundation for the Arts and Sciences, which was so successful, that signed copies of a first edition paperback sell for over $80.00 on the internet. Afterwards, he taught English and College level literature overseas and later moved to Seattle, Washington where he now resides, working on his next three books.

Last updated April 25, 2013