Riding Down to Boxland

by Michael Rosen

Michael Rosen

Riding down to boxland
where people live in boxes,
riding down to boxland
the people live in boxes,
no chickens there,
been eaten by the foxes.

Riding down to boxland
saw a box looking good,
riding down to boxland
found a box looking good,
wanted to knock on the box
wondered ifI should.

Riding down to boxland
Iknocked on the lid,
riding down to boxland
knock, knock on the lid,
though l knocked loud
you'd never know I did.

Riding down to boxland
no answer from inside,
riding down to boxland
not a sound trom inside
I picked up the box
to take it for a ride.

Riding back from boxland
the box coming with me,
riding back from boxland
the box coming with me,
laid it out at home,
tor everyone to see.

When I got back from boxland
everyone was there.
I was back from boxland
everyone was there,
no one looked inside
there's no one who dared.

Even More Nonsense

Last updated March 07, 2023