This is a song to all my friends
Our paths have crossed for a reason
We were there to help each other
Our paths have crossed each season
This silent song is for all of you
The people I have known
I thank you all for the love you gave
The compassion you have shown
I've been blessed throughout my life
By every one I've met
Some people I have yet to meet
So much better my life will get
A silent song of peace and love
So many hearts will collide
My gratitude I give to you all
My feelings I can't hide
I want you to know just how I feel
The passing of time hears us call
A silent song of love and truth
Our paths crossed and I know you all
A silent pause in a lonely time
When thoughts were quite profound
We found each other along the way
We were lost and then we were found
Copyright ©:
Pamela Griffiths

I have lived in Sheffield all my life, I am widowed with two sons, a daughter and a stepson. They are married, some with children of their own. I also have nine grandchildren. I am gay and live with my partner Sandy., I won the local poem competition for 2011 with 'Home Sweet Home in Loxley Valley' and was included in the poets of the year book 2011. I will be appearing in the writers of the year book 2011., I was interviewed by the press and had a video recorded by the Sheffield Star newspaper to appear on their website. I read the winning poem and there is an interview afterwards. The presentation was held at the Sheffield Central Library, the photographer from the Sheffield Start and Sheffield Telegraph came to take pictures. The story appeared in both newspapers, the article in the Star took up a whole page., I have recently retired from my full time position for the NHS in Quality management. I will now be devoting more time to my writing. I studied with the Morris College of Journalism for my diploma in freelance journalism. I have a diploma in Quality management for ISO quality management systems. I have RSA qualifications and NVQ up to highest level 3 in Information Technology and have my ECDL European Computer Driving Licence., I was first published in an anthology in the late 1990's with 'Stormy Clouds' I picked up an entry form a local library and that's how it all started. Since then I went on to have many more of my poems published by United Press over the years. I have been included in a few poets of the year books and diaries along with CD's. I had my short story 'Whispering Shadow' published in a book of short stories called 'Living Proof' in 2011., I had my first own book of poems published in 2009 'Expression of Life' which is still a top ten book listed on the BookBuzz site. I have completed my second own poetry book 'Moments in Time' which is also listed as a top ten book on the BookBuzz site. I love writing so I am looking forward to devoting more time to it now that I have retired.