The Woman from the Public

by Shanna Compton

Shanna Compton

When I was in the fourth grade
School system. The woman from the public
My science teacher drove me every day
Library. The woman from the public
After school to the public
Hospital. The woman elected to public
Library. I waited there for my mother
Office. The woman who claimed to own public
Who worked in a government building
Property. The woman from the Public
A few blocks away. Red tiles topped
Works Commission. The woman from the public
The roof of the public library.
Park. The woman who in public
Upstairs there were private carrels
Wore gold jewelry even while jogging. Public
For earnest students from the junior
Sentiment against the woman who supported public
College. Ms. Grisom drove a silver
Stonings in an editorial. Public
Pacer. Once she asked me
Television's special, "Becoming a Woman." Public
What I would make if I knew how to make
Humiliation of a woman named Looney. Public
Something. I didn't understand
Appreciation of works on paper by female artists. Public
What she meant by that. Her first
Lot number 4037. The woman from the Public
Name was Charlotte, I think.
Defender's Office. The woman from the public
The back stairs smelled like soup.
Pool. The women's action group against public
The library was always quiet and I was alone.

Last updated February 19, 2023