Livingstone The Builder

by John Oxenham

William Arthur Dunkerley

_With a will!
With a will!
With a will and surely!
Without fail,
Drive each nail,
Build we so, securely_!
The Pioneer,--the Undaunted One,
Worn with long journeyings through the Great Dark Land,
Rests for a season from his mighty labours,
And seeks fresh vigour in a change of toil.
_Labour is sweet,
When hands and hearts are willing,--
Who truly works
Is God's own law fulfilling_.
With his own hands he helps to build a temple,
Here, in the wilds, a temple to his God,
Rough-hewn and roughly thatched, but still a house
Of prayer, a holy place, and consecrate
To Him whose noblest temples are not built
With hands, but in the opened hearts of men.
_The Master worked,
With His own hands expressing
His sure belief
That therein lay God's blessing_.
Thus, as he toils, with axe, and nail, and hammer,
His heart rejoices,--so the Master worked,
And by His lowly toil for ever stamped
True labour with its highest dignity.
_With a will!
With a will!
With a will and surely!
Without fail,
Drive each nail,
Build we so, securely_!

Last updated January 14, 2019