Beachhead Preachment

Ahmos Zu-Bolton

from this beach i want to make a poem
into a stage presence
with some sex in it,
with some oo-we-baby and trembling thighs,
with some tongue dancing in & out,
with some oo-la-la in it.

from this beach
a nightfall of orgasms my audience
gives back to me,
a nightful of orgasms my audience
gives back to me,
a nighful of putting our hands and hearts together,
a nightful of surf giving me some head,
as my short leg strokes the gypsy waves
and i move thru a forest of desire

i want to leave my sperm-seed radioactive
as i work some music thru a people
like uranium,
as my calypso testifies
and my zydeco shouts rock and roll bump
to the rhythm of the sea

i would be preacherman hallelujah lover
challenging the seaweed wig that life wears
between her bowed legs,
i would be a hot sunday afternoon healer
jazzing sho nuf gospel blues
from this beachhead
(i want to raise the lawd
with their nude music)

from this beach
let my voice be an echo lubricating the horizon,
let seagulls know my poem
that they might carry the word
in the sails of their wings.

Last updated November 13, 2022