Linen in Winter

by Callie Garnett

Callie Garnett

That was the day I sailed comfortably from off an intractable horse and broke my neck
And fractured my skull

I rode the horse back to the stables and dismissed the incident
But this is the end of my language
No one has ever had an easier experience with a serious accident

It was a night of spotlights
Shining on other people’s hair
Making it red, blue…Pretty unfair.

A band concluded, I prepared myself for
Another band. One came out
In a French fry outfit. I forfeited, threw up

My hands and shouted
BQ Green 4ever, whatever that meant
Heart-holding teddy

Velcroed on the blue gel in the MD tent
Where Ari & I go to get the ear plugs
Past blue potties laid out like a PDF

The band mimics production software lozenges
Shunking into place on a timebound track
A bassist’s fingers seem to be tugging his face
By a narrow strap

At the end
People felt the songs had been so good but truthfully

They were making a transition at a beautiful time.
The sky was amazing—
Ari & I discussed end-of-life spaces

The levels had literary names, I said
Dickens in script along the lowest…wall dingus
“Knowledge comes but wisdom lingers”

She seemed to be studying the purples,
Dividing them into permanent & temp

Did you know:
Bronson Alcott wouldn’t let his family eat potatoes?
Or any roots?
Or any plants that grow the way of hell?

They got so hungry they’d beg the neighbors
Or else eat lilies, linen in winter.
I cd be your combination black lab doberman pinscher

Sir, said Ari
Sir I could surf yr wave here sir
Interviewing for Geeks on Whyte

I could mow yr lawn despite tornado
(Canadian man keeps mowing lawn despite tornado threat)
A lobby tour showed me in detail the community
From above

Everybody eats & gesticulates
Refreshed by the idea of dew
Inside the Halls of Art, where primacy of feeling
They placed the urn into the vast ocean, a spokesperson said

These obscure lyrics, turning against me
Tonight. Every night. Pretty unfair.

Last updated November 07, 2022