On Pabst's Joyless Street

by Diane Fahey

Diane Fahey

The brothel keeper and her helper
climb the stairs at the very last
like crippled rats, like black, upwardly
mobile fog, back into the Hotel Merkel:
this is their home where they will live
to let the lives of other bodies
— tomorrow, today.
The butcher — no lust at all in that final
grimace — sinks into his cellar of meat
then goes the way of all flesh …
(Could he have seen
through the blinding, bloodied glass
the shadow of a demonic animal
shoot into the streets of Vienna?)
Meanwhile, the innocent heroine covers
her mythic breasts and goes home —
fortunately, not quite despoiled.
Through empty streets she leads her father.
Relieved, her American suitor picks up the trail;
his love is as bountiful as the Marshall Plan.
The anti-heroine — also unknown by man,
but forever — watches her prison wall.
She strangled her loved one's lover —
another quiet death at the Hotel Merkel.
Now only her shadow knows it all.
Breasts, pearls and money on his mind,
he kissed her plain fingers at the police station;
his eyes were fixed and staring, too.
Now she tiptoes gently round her black room;
earlier on, she had kissed his tie;
corruption draws him back to the living:
O all-consuming spider! O mortal, helpless fly!
Will he remember while music sweats and money talks
the drama of the chaise longue, that fatal assignation?
He kissed her pearls, ecstatic, upon leaving;
later, stretched unadorned in the Hotel Merkel,
the morning light shrove her vacant body:
her husband stood, grieved beyond words or money.
Our Argentinian millionaire sucks a fresh cigar.
That girl he wanted frightened him to death,
acting out her murder in the Hotel Merkel.
The robes and pearls he bought were given back —
the woman shook off the trammels of the goddess.
Soon she'll be dead; he puffs his lecherous cigar.
The heroine at home eats cabbage once more
The brothel keeper smiles slyly to the dark
The millionaire broods with money to burn
The husband weeps — no tears, no sound
The honest lover begs, dying to be true
The girl within the cell turns, turning into stone

Voices from the honeycomb

Last updated January 14, 2019