La prima lacrima

Decidere ancora si smette e si pena
Nei grinziti pertugi si somma
Ora un centesimo
Ora un silenzio
Trapasso di certe lezioni al successivo tempo
Ecco allora un senso
Di quelli spauriti ad annaspare fra sterpi
Come andare se stare accomoda poco
E l’aria si stringe
La gola non grida se non batte la notte
Diverse le ceneri sparse raccontano cuori
Sfaldata via persa e intravista
Gettata la prima lacrima si sconfigge l’ultima
Nei giorni a venire

English translation (Federica Galetto, David Blaine)

The First Tear

You still pause and suffer while deciding
In the creased holes you add
First one cent
Then one silence
Certain lessons pass through the time
Here then a sense
Of being afraid to grope among twigs
Like going when staying doesn't work out
And the air tightens
The throat won't shout if the night doesn't knock
Sprinkled ashes tell about hearts
Flaked, lost and looking away
After shedding the first tear you defeat the last one
In the days to come.

Federica Galetto

Federica Galetto's picture

I was born in Turin (Italy) in 1964. I actually live in the countryside, in a small village. In 1993 I first had my short story “La stanza di Giulia” collected in an anthology and published by Mondadori. I actually write mostly poetry . My poems have been published in many anthologies and reviews in Italy and abroad, in many literary sites and blogs on the web. I write a literary blog where I publish Italian and foreign authors. I personally translate from English to Italian. At the end of July 2010 my first book of poems has been published: “Scorrono le cose controvento” – 2010 Lietocolle Editore. In 2011 I had my book of poems in English published: “Ode from a nightingale” - Masque Publishing.

Last updated August 16, 2011