I Think My Love Does Not Know

by Horace Logo Traubel

I think my love does not know,
I think my love is satisfied not to know —
I think my love only loves — loves, loves and loves again: I think my love does not know.

My love used to be eternally asking questions that could not be answered,
Now I think my love asks no questions and would be sorry if any questions were answered
My love was once eager for the return of love, eager for the full return of love,
Now my love does not care, now my love will make no claims.
My love once put itself into scales and weighed itself and still called itself love,
Now my love has thrown away its scales and proclaims that love is not consistent with weight and measure.
Once my love was jealous and put love into a prison and put a price upon love,
Now my love welcomes love wherever and however it appears and has turned its back upon the market.

I think my love is no longer careful of itself but is careless of itself,
I think my love has suffered all the hells of love and enjoyed all the heavens of love and has survived both the heavens and hells of love,
I think my love does not ask for privileges but just takes what comes and is happy,
I think my love does not require attention but likes to be about and mix anonymously with the crowd,
I think my love is willing to be neglected and hated because neither neglect nor hate can hurt my love,
I think my love is very much in love with the flesh but always stops short of surrender to the flesh,
I think my love is very much in love with the soul but always stops short of surrender to the soul,
I think my love knows very little or nothing about itself but is satisfied to love and love and know nothing.

I could not tell what love has been to me since the day that love made way for love,
I could not tell what love has been to me since it stopped asking questions and just went about its business in the world.
I found that love had only one thing to do in the world, that love was only to love,
I found that love had no more to do with the saints than with the sinners of the world,
I found that love had no more to do with the lovers than with the haters of the world,
I found that love was not to buy and sell and was not to exchange love,
I found that love was only to give away love and was to give away love and was to give away love,
I found that love was not to condemn sin and praise virtue but was only to love and see neither sin nor virtue,
I found that love belonged to man not because man was good or bad but because man was man
I could not tell what love has been to me since love resigned all its emoluments and conditions and submitted itself to love alone.

My love was never happy when it thought it knew what love was or thought it needed to know,
My love was never fair and generous when it thought love was reward and love was service,
My love was never love when it belonged to the temperature and to the north and south of the compass,
My love only became love when it cast aside all guides and lost all reckoning of latitude and longitude,
My love was only love when it threw away all records and prospectuses and ignored the challenge of time,
My love was only love when it passed unrecognized into the general heart and became the bread and water of its daily life.

I used to try to be reasonable with love but love escaped my reason,
I used to ask love to be reasonable with me but I escaped love's reason,
I used to indulge my love in the orderly and usual ways but love took refuge in chaos and mystery.
I used to submit love to the focus of my two eyes but love lost all perspective,
I used to key love to the partisan tones of my two ears but love reverted to discord.

I think my love does not know,
I think my love is satisfied not to know,
I think my love is so pleased with love it has no desires beyond love,
I think my love only loves — loves, loves and loves again.

Last updated February 14, 2024