Smile of Anda

by Ilire Zajmi

You smile with moisten cherry lips
Without knowing that the world outside hides many diableries

You cry and laugh so sweet
Without knowing that in this place it is hard to be a child.

You make me feel the owner of the world
when you grip me with your tiny hands

watching me with sea-blue eyes
my little gorgeous Anda
World around you is black and white.

Ilire Zajmi

Ilire Zajmi's picture

Ilire Zajmi, writer from Prishtina, Kosovo. Ilire writes poems, and prose. Author of seven books., Three poem collections, two published in Albanian language, one published in Portugal, in English language. Author of one novel, and a publicistic book "Un treno per Blace" published in Italian language, 1999 in Italy. "Television pictures and reality" study book, published by Saga publishing house, Kosovo.

Last updated September 21, 2011