
by Jeff Friedman

Jeff Friedman

Nothing enters the room in a gust of wind, a falling light, a flaming shadow. Nothing grabs you

by the shoulder, causing you to wince. Nothing prophesies nothing good for your future. In your

case, nothing says, nothing is a bargain. Hold onto your self as if you are holding on to nothing.

Pretend that nothing exists and you won’t be disappointed. Pretend that nothing doesn’t exist,

and nothing will surprise you. Try to imagine nothing. Does it encircle you? Is it the sky empty of

darkness and light, and therefore empty of sky? When you embrace everything, nothing

embraces you. Nothing rings a bell. Nothing deals the cards, plays all your hands. Nothing

believes everything you say. Nothing touches you with all its tenderness and tears. Nothing tells

you what you want to hear. Nothing takes it all back and gives it to you again.

Last updated September 19, 2022